Smarter, Safer, Greener Global Roadways Webinar

10 AM PST / 1 PM EST

Roadways play an essential part in moving passengers and goods across nations. Safety is not all that matters; roadways need to support productivity and mobility to pave the way for economic stability. The world has new regulations and goals for cleaner energy, propelling demand for more sustainable travel. Rising congestion rates combined with high fuel costs are steering operators towards greater operational efficiencies, driving innovation today. 

Cisco is a leading provider in the networking market and offers solutions to make global roadways smarter, safer, and greener. Register to attend our free webinar to hear more about how we’re helping cities connect to improve roadside safety, increase operational efficiencies, reduce traffic congestion, and minimize carbon footprint. Can’t attend live? Register now and receive the replay following the event. 

 Attend this session to learn:  

  • Connectivity options for joining roadway and intersection devices to create smarter and safer roadways
  • Different use cases and examples that help solve today’s traffic challenges as well as tomorrow’s
  • Cisco solutions that enable roadside data collection for analysis, real-time control, and visibility 
  • How to achieve end-to-end security and visibility into your traffic devices
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