

Closing the Cybersecurity Knowledge Gap in the Boardroom

Many boards have a significant knowledge gap on cyber risk and security. Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) can bridge that gap by advising board members on this important topic in business terms they readily understand.

This paper provides four steps CISOs can take to help boards and business leaders determine the business risk of cyber threats, prioritize security investments, and measure improvement in security performance. Doing this gives CISOs more influence in the boardroom so they can help ensure their organizations are protecting critical assets, privacy, and their reputations while safely driving critical business strategies.

In a recent study commissioned by Cisco, board members and business leaders from Global 2000 companies revealed that only one-third of boards have the level of knowledge they need to effectively govern cyber risk. These research participants span nine industries in 12 countries.

Why does this knowledge gap matter? Cyber risk is one of the top ten global business risks. (Source: Forbes/AON Global Risk Management Report). Like all other enterprise risks, it threatens the ability of an enterprise to succeed in a dynamic environment.
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